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Get the Lowdown

Sm2 Productions has a lot going on, and they invite you to join them on their musical journey. With a selection of highlights and updates pertaining to their latest collaborations, developments and music projects, this music group is proud to share their work and creative accomplishments.


Sm2 Music Receives Acknowledgment from Dr Gary Dull (Co-Chair of the Central PA 9-11-01 Anniversary Commission)

'The song "Lower East Side" is an excellent memorial of what took place on 9-11-01.  It is a heart felt musical story of the sad occasion of 9-11-01 that should ring in our minds for years to come.  Thanks to the superb work of Michael Quinn, Michael Stewart, James Morrison and Steve Brady this beautiful piece of music will live in our minds for as long as we live."


Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands featured in Scottish Newspaper



Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands gets local recognition


Lower East Side

911 Anniversary tribute song played at the World Trade Centre in New York


Sunshine Summer Blind

SM2 write uplifting Summer song that speaks of days of Summer


Down Mystery Road

A song about a mother and son high on Mt Tamborine


Everyone's a Hero

The world first Covid 19 song issued in April 2020


Michael Stewart - 600 songs

Michael has written a huge number of succsseful songs for SM2 and other artists of all genres inlcuding Mexican Senoritas dance, 100 floors down, That Jazz, This song......






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